Welcome to Dexly

Trade anytime, anywhere

Dexly helps you reach financial freedom

Our Vision

We are committed to creating a safer, more professional, and better user experience in the crypto industry by providing a security and transparent system and a fast and convenient Futures trading environment, to ensure that users get the best investment experience.




About Dexly

Dexly, founded in 2018, is a digital asset trading platform registered in the Republic of Seychelles and operated by Dexly Group Ltd. Dexly focuses on safeguarding traders’ assets and the transaction stability. It lays emphasis on the services of individual and professional derivatives traders, and strives to provide users with the most professional products and the best quality services.

Dexly offers cross-platform trading through the website, a mobile application that provides access to a high-level order book for the leading instruments on the market.

Instantly buy and sell assets through a simplified platform interface.

Various payment options and 24/7 support are accompanied by a time-tested, stable platform that guarantees the safety of assets and data.


Why Choose Dexly?

Established 2018

Trading assets 140+

Liquidity providers 10+

No. of employees 50+

Over 200,000 customers

Traders from all over the world

24/7 professional support

Advanced analytics Funds management

Education, signals tips and tricks

Modern platform with fast response

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